
Roc posted @ 2011年11月07日 23:47 in C# with tags php oracle , 2213 阅读





header ( "content-Type: text/html; charset=GBK" );
$conn = oci_connect ( 'testphp', '123', 'ORACLE11' );
$sql = "select * from userinfo";
$statement = oci_parse ( $conn, $sql );
if (oci_execute ( $statement )) {
	while ( ($row = oci_fetch_array ( $statement, OCI_BOTH )) ) {
		echo $row ['USERNAME'] . " " . $row ['PASSWORD'] . "<br>";
oci_free_statement ( $statement );
oci_close ( $conn );



header ( "content-Type: text/html; charset=GBK" );
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate(){
	var username=document.getElementById("username").value;
	var password=document.getElementById("password").value;
	var pwd=document.getElementById("pwd").value;

<form id="form1" action="insertUserinfo.php" method="post">
		<td><input type="text" id="username" name="username"></td>
		<td><input type="password" id="password" name="password"></td>
		<td><input type="password" id="pwd" name="pwd"></td>
		<td><input type="button" onclick="validate()" id="ok" value="提交"></td>



header ( "content-Type: text/html; charset=GBK" );

$username = $_POST ["username"];
$password = $_POST ["password"];

$conn = oci_connect ( 'testphp', '123', 'ORACLE11' );

$statement = oci_parse ( $conn, "insert into userinfo values(idauto.nextval,:username,:password) RETURNING ROWID INTO :id" );

$rowid = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn, OCI_D_ROWID );

oci_bind_by_name ( $statement, ":username", $username, SQL_VARCHAR );
oci_bind_by_name ( $statement, ":password", $password, SQL_VARCHAR );
oci_bind_by_name ( $statement, ":id", $rowid, - 1, OCI_B_ROWID );
if(oci_execute ( $statement)){
	echo $username." ".$password;
oci_commit ( $conn );
$rowid->free ();
oci_free_statement ( $statement );
oci_close ( $conn );



insert语句插入数据库时传参方式和hibernate有点相似,也是冒号:设置参数,不同的是处理sequence上,hibernate在配置文档中写好,php写在sql语句中,估计用到框架的话,也不用再写idauto.nextval了,id是sequence的值,需要我们用oci_new_descriptor 规定一个新的描述,oci_bind_by_name 相当于hibernate的setQuery语句进行传参复制,我甚至怀疑php天生就是防注入的。好了就是这样,update和delete再准备做实验

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